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My test shots at home didn't go how I wanted it too. I found the lighting to be very dull compared to my outside shots and didn't want the lighting to drastically change throughout the documentary so to fix this I will either change locations, film outside or use a light from media. Also, the audio wasn't up to standard therefore i will have to use a zoom mic and record at the same time for better audio for the voice over. Then I figured out that lines were appearing on my camera when filming and i thought it was the lights in my house but it was the shutter speed so i now know how to sort it out in order for no lines to appear. 

Test shots 

I got some really nice cut away shots of nature and the park. 

Things that worked well:

*close ups of the trees and flowers

* blurring then focusing ( This is to show that things maybe complicated but the more you look the more you'll see in definition and have a further understanding.)

* The swings one is still and one is moving therefore i can leave it as it is or possibly slow the footage down.

Things to improve:

* With the climbing frame i could re-film it this time with my little brother and have him walking across at the same time as i pan across like i was following him taking each step.

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