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Drafts, bullet points.

"although I am young and can not express verbally what is happening in our lives, I am still feeling the impact".

"so many questions run through my mind everyday 'does mum pay for everything for me? or is it dad? or is it my step dad?".

*who do you think pays for your food and the things you want ,clothes, games and toys ?

" you are putting me at a greater risk of getting a divorce myself". 

" I am only 9 years old and I need some understanding but I'm to afraid to have the conversation with anyone".

*Are you scared to talk to anyone about mummy not being with dad anymore?

"your actions you chose to take in life often effect mine, good or bad. I'm happy you've found someone like you and I really like him too. He takes me to the park, plays video games with me, cheers me up when I'm down and shows me how to be confident and have fun. But as I get older and have more of an understanding sometimes things don't always work out the way you think it should be. I'm scared Problems can include anxiety, depression, and a greater use of mental health".

" I took the liberty to sit down and do some research of my own, I found that children are often asked to carry messages between parents. I often hear my older sister on the phone to my dad then minutes later go and talk to mum about things he's said. Also, that a child of divorce gets lack of attention from a parent through this stage in life. Financial support is often lost during divorce".  

* Girls who initially show signs of adapting well, later suffer from anxiety in romantic relationships with men. Studies also showed that girls who were separated from their fathers at a younger age tended to be more angry toward the situation as they aged. Anger and sadness were also observed as common feelings in adolescents who had experienced parental divorce.

Questions to ask liam.....


*How do you feel about mummy and daddy not being together anymore?.

*Does it make you sad?

* Whats your favourite memory with dad?

* How about your funniest memory?

*how often do you see your dad?

*would you like to see him more?


*Do you like/get along with your step dad?

* How do you feel about having 2 step brothers?

*Do you get along with them? What's good/bad about it? 

* Your favourite sports football, right? Do you miss your dad coming to your games?

*do you enjoy playing football with your step brothers? it's better then playing on your own, huh?

* When you argue what happens? do people take sides or does it just sort itself out or do you just get on with it because you all live together?

*What's your favourite thing to do with with your step dad?

* Do you enjoy going to the park with him.

* Did you enjoy going to the river with the family?

* Do you like gaming with him.

*Do you ever get sad sometimes? What makes you sad?

* Do you think mummy looks happier now she's with Jon or more happier when she was with dad? and why?

* what do you think family means? is it just loving one another or maybe It's blood relatives.

* Most importantly how are you feeling about living in a different house and sort of having a new family?

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