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Research Proposal

I want to create a different styled documentary with a powerful message.

I am creating a documentary on divorced parents but it won't be about what they go through, or how they deal with it, or the facts and statistics of divorced parents in the UK. My documentary will be based from a child's prospective of a divorce and what it means to them, how it makes them feel and changes who they turn out to be.

My parents are separated and I am hoping to use my 9 year old little brother as an actor for my documentary and also the voice of a child. I thought a lot of my emotions will show through my project and the script that i write for it will be well thought out. For my primary research I will create a poll to figure out what percentage of the population's parents are still together or separated. My secondary research will be finding graphs, statistics and facts.

As for creating my documentary I won't need people for jobs etc., because I'm going to be directing, filming, editing and possibly starring in it. My little brother is the main focus of this documentary so it will just be me and him or possibly some help from my mum.

I will be researching different type's of shots and styles of filming and testing them to make sure it fits my style of documentary.

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