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Research summary

My documentary is about divorce in this generation. I chose this idea because I've experienced it and I wondered how other people tend to deal with their parents separating. Also, to see how many people still have parents who are still together. My chosen research methods were effective; I was able to get lots of people to participate online, whether by answering a poll or taking a survey. I was surprised by my results; it wasn't the outcome I expected, so my results were very effective and informative. The overall outcome with my poll and survey was that it was a slightly balanced result with the percentages being around 55% 'Yes' and 45% 'No' and it shows that people with parents who are together are just as common as people who have divorced or separated parents. I'm applying this information in my documentary by putting these facts in my script that my little brother or I will be reading to give the audience some knowledge on the facts and statistics. Additionally, when I was researching on Wikipedia for my secondary research, I came across information about the effects it can have on children at such a young age and I'm going to use that information and incorporate it into my personal story and experience. I also found a documentary that has the style I would like to use in my own documentary. I then started to screen shot the different camera shots they used and analysed why they did those shots, (see video link above). In conclusion, my results really helped with thinking of what to write for my script and finding the facts and statistics for my documentary. My research has helped to develop my idea because when researching about divorce and how it affects the children growing up I found out a lot of interesting things that I can relate to or things that I'd never really thought of. So it opened my mind up a bit more on the aspects of divorce. My research didn't change my idea, if anything it made me want to find out more.


Target market

What type of people will it interest? 

- It's a documentary so a lot of well educated people will want to watch or people who are in education. 

- It could interest children aged 8 years+ because of the picture/ front cover.

- Peoples whose parents are separated or divorced. Why?.. To fill the void of emptiness or to find out and get more of an understanding on why it happened to them. 

- People who binge watch a lot of shows, movies, documentaries. 

- For a wider audience I will look at the younger generation who spend hours on social media and would possibly stumble across it. 

- I feel like my video would be seen more by people age 16+ as young children have age restrictions and divorce is a very strong intense topic that possibly would be monitored on children's devices. 

- I also need to take religion into consideration. Some religions don't allow divorce. 


 My idea was to look at both of these documentary ideas and decide on which target audience I'd like to aim for.


Summary: I could have an age range of 14-18 years old. This would then be a documentary focused on helping teenagers to cope with having parents who are going through a divorce.

Summary: Or I could have an age range of 25+ to focus more on showing adults what effects it has on 'Your' children.  

I'm aiming more towards focusing on a target audience of 25+ because It grabs the audience's attention to see the effects it has on children without them being aware of it .Also, it is better then doing a documentary mainly focused on giving advice and help to an age range of 14-18 as they might not really think to take the advice. They'd watch it and forget to take action, whereas if adults see a documentary on how their children suffer and how the consequences of their actions have an effect on their children maybe they will take something away from watching the documentary. 

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